Tony Bernardi is an interdisciplinary multi-creative thinker whose portfolio of creative works reflects his passion for form and meaning in art, philosophy, and science.  His contributions consist of art music compositions, electronic music and piano improvisation albums, published literary works, paintings and sculpture, and philosophical/spiritual commentary. The following summarize his creative output and spiritual mentor-ship.



The published work "Dialogues" is featured on this website with commentaries and insights about ideas in the book. Also, the work Tobias, a novel in progress is featured here as a work in development, ideas behind the work, and sample chapters. 

Field of Perception is a collection of aphorisms for the 21st century.  These are meditations collected through the years of study and contemplation.  A separate collection of his poetry is also featured in this site.  A distinct relationship can be observed between his music and the lyricism of his poetry that reflects his multi-lingual and multi-cultural background.  



Bernardi is a classically trained musician and contemporary composer. His compositions for traditional vocal and instrumental mediums as well as his electronically produced works are neo-baroque in style with an emphasis on melodic material often influenced by 20th-century romantic and post-romantic composers. He has collaborated with notable Washington DC area Choreographers and dancers in staging and producing many original works.  His multimedia (electronic music, dance, and film) work "Slightly Uncomfortable" was premiered at the 2006 Capital Fringe Festival in Washington DC.  This work is based on and prominently features the "Kiss of God" by Marshall Stewart Ball, a 20 year old handicapped spiritual poet.


Visual Arts

Bernardi's art projects use acrylic on paper and canvas for painting and a variety of material for sculpture and multimedia works. His annual art output consists of a few works often related to other music or writing projects.



Philosophical Commentary

Bernardi's scholarly study of A Course of Miracles (ACIM) among other spiritual and philosophical texts can be summarized in the invaluable teaching and guidance of the late ACIM teacher Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D. This page includes quotes and videos that reflect a deeper and rich understanding of the teachings and ideas in ACIM and other supporting material.