HAP21 Technical Management Consulting

HAP21’s principle consultant, Tony Bernardi, is an IT strategy professional with 30 years experience transforming IT organizations. Track record evolving IT enterprises to utilize Cloud computing, expand mission growth, and manage big data. Broad functional expertise in implementing laser-sharp strategies and actionable operational plans. Extensive experience sharing insights precisely and logically with non-technical stakeholders, engineers, and “C” level executives alike. Personal passion for all things related to science and technology. Adept at leading large diverse teams to achieve common goals with innate collaborative style and bias to action.


Value Position - Trade-Offs - Aligned Fit


development - improvement - Mitigation


Modeling - PORTFOLIOS - Standards

HAP21’s Tony Bernardi at GSFC/NASA

HAP21 provided senior Enterprise Architect and Strategic IT Advisor services in support of Goddard Space Flight Center’s IT modernization initiative.  We evaluated Goddard IT architecture based on NASA IT Policy and Strategic IT Plan; contributed to planning, design, and prototype development of "to-be" IT enterprise model. Analyzed IT requirements and notional architecture; captured silo Science and Engineering IT system models; modernized IT enterprise design with center-wide Hybrid Cloud, high-speed “super-highway” network, and “data-lake” providing NASA data throughout Goddard. We also created cross-disciplinary working groups; generated synergy between Heliophysics, Astrophysics, Earth Sciences, and Specialized Networks to address critical IT issues. Identified system bridges to enable resource sharing, risk mitigation, and cost savings. Collaborated on enterprise level proof-of-concept systems to address big-data management, security, and cost models. Provided CIO with annual Center IT goals, roadmaps, and IT driver strategies.

Documented, analyzed, and assessed the current GSFC IT architecture based on Agency Policy and the GSFC Strategic IT Plan.  Also, collaborated in the design, planning, and prototype development of a future "to-be" IT architecture model for the center.

Instrumental in the GSFC IT modernization initiative, a collaborative effort led by the CIO’s Strategic Advisory Group, helped define Enterprise level IT requirements for the Center, developed a Notional Architecture based on architectural concepts and in-depth investigations, captured representative configurations of the GSFC Science and Engineering IT system architectures, and proposed a well-received Center IT modernization approach.  This approach included the implementation of a center-wide Hybrid Cloud solution in conjunction with a high-speed “super-highway” network interconnecting the center communities and enabling access to a science and engineering central “data-lake” ensuring the availability and accessibility of NASA data and IT resources throughout the Center. This federated approach necessitated forming collaborative working groups that include representative members from the larger GSFC Science and Engineering communities.  A notable example is a highly successful Hybrid Cloud Technical working-group facilitated by the EA team ensuring ongoing dialogue between cross-disciplinary communities throughout the center.  My experience with AWS included in the repertoire of public cloud offerings at NASA was coordinating and help develop agency (NASA) level policy to work with Amazon's AWS offerings.  Also, investigating various science and engineering projects to utilize AWS, and as a result became cognizant of some of the challenges involved with transporting systems to that platform.  As an Enterprise Architect at the NASA center level, I worked with solution architects to incorporate AWS in the IT landscape. 

The analysis of IT systems modernization opportunities gave rise to emerging common patterns in many silo systems and supported a bridge building strategy proposed to enable significant resource sharing, mitigate risks, and achieve significant cost savings for the Center. By facilitating a number of technical discussions among various groups was able to engage the Center intellectual, institutional, and technological resources to design and develop enterprise level proof of concept systems.  One such system is the Goddard Private/Hybrid Cloud that is collaboratively developed, rapidly evolving, and efficiently resourced with recycled hardware by GSFC High-Performance Computing and supported by a multi-project highly skilled development team.  This team migrated and tested a critical volume of systems from multiple disciplines with a wide range of needs and requirements. This multi-tenant system provides a platform to test and demonstrate the applicability of various Cloud products and design approaches.  Also, investigated how to meet the Center’s growing data volume management, data accessibility, system and data security, and data and user connectivity requirements, while testing the effectiveness of new cost models for supporting project IT needs in a multi-disciplinary modernized Center IT architecture.  

By collaborating with senior technical management of GSFC High-Performance Computing, the GSFC CIO’s Strategic Advisory Group, the Center Enterprise Architecture, and IT architects from Heliophysics, Astrophysics, Earth Sciences, and the GSFC Specialized Network groups was able to acquire an in-depth understanding of GSFC IT operation dynamics, funding mechanisms, and organizational structure, function, and NASA policy complexities.  Also, was able to document and analyze the Center’s IT enterprise architecture deficiencies, short-term and long-term risks, and center level IT goals by developing a Center IT Roadmap and Top IT Driver list required in the IT budget process for managing GSFC Science and Engineering projects.

Our senior consultant received a GSFC Technical Excellence Award in 2016 and was acknowledged for providing effective strategic IT advice for modernizing the Goddard IT Enterprise and meeting its critical challenges.